20 research outputs found

    Lessons from the Czech EU Presidency. CEPS Commentaries, 4 September 2009

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    While some of what went wrong in the course of the Presidency of the EU in the first half of 2009 might be attributed to extenuating circumstances, it is still useful to examine the experience of the Czech Republic to extract any lessons to be learned, especially for the sake of other small and new member states presidencies in the future. A new Commentary by CEPS Research Fellow Piotr Maciej Kaczyński identifies five major mistakes committed during those difficult six months

    Upgrading the EU’s role as global actor. Egmont Commentary, 25 January 2011

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    This Commentary argues that the EU should build up a world-class diplomatic corps, capable of becoming a major actor in global affairs. This paper is the summary of a book published jointly by Egmont, CEPS and EPC

    Policy-Making in the EU: Achievements, Challenges and Proposals for Reform. CEPS Paperbacks. June 2009

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    This report is the product of a joint project initiated by the Centre for European Policy Studies and the Swedish Confederation of Enterprise. Three expert groups of academics, policy-makers, business representatives and other stakeholders were formed to analyse the major issues and challenges facing the European Union today and to put forward recommendations for reform that can realistically be implemented in the short and medium term. The expert groups focused on EU Decision-Making, Better Regulation and Implementation & Subsidiarity

    Społeczna percepcja zdrowej żywności w świetle interdyscyplinarnej pewności naukowej. Raport z wynikami badania ankietowego

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    W ostatnich latach niepokojący trend w zakresie wzrostu liczby występowania przypadków chorób niezakaźnych sprawił, że zwiększyło się zainteresowanie kwestią tzw. „zdrowej żywności”. Pomimo ogromu regulacji dotyczących żywności, pojęcie „zdrowej żywności” nie jest ujęte w żadne ramy prawne, a jego rozumienie przez społeczeństwo jest niejednolite. Czym zatem jest według społeczeństwa „zdrowa żywność”? Niniejszy raport zawiera wyniki badania ankietowego, którego celem było uzyskanie odpowiedzi na to pytanie. Badanie ankietowe składało się z dwóch części – z jednej strony przeprowadzono badanie na reprezentatywnej grupie 1041 osób, a z drugiej strony przebadano 100 przedsiębiorców z branży żywnościowej. Uzyskane wyniki badania ankietowego stanowią dla zespołu badawczego punkt wyjścia do dalszych badań interdyscyplinarnych (nauki prawne, nauki chemiczne, nauki medyczne) w obszarze problemowym „zdrowej żywności”.Projekt finansowany ze środków budżetu państwa w ramach programu Ministra Edukacji i Nauki pod nazwą „Nauka dla Społeczeństwa”, nr projektu NdS/551580/2022/2022Jakub Ali Farhan - Uniwersytet w BiałymstokuPiotr Kaczyński - Instytut Ochrony Roślin - Państwowy Instytut BadawczyMaciej Perkowski - Uniwersytet w Białymstok

    Public Perception of Healthy Food in The Light of Interdisciplinary Scientific Certainty. Survey report

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    In recent years, an alarming trend in the rising incidence of non-communicable diseases has led to increased interest in the issue of so-called "healthy food". Despite the enormity of food regulation, the concept of "healthy food" is not framed in any legal framework, and the public's understanding of it is uneven. So what is "healthy food" according to the public? This report contains the results of a survey aimed at answering this question. The survey consisted of two parts - on the one hand, a representative sample of 1,041 people was surveyed, and on the other hand, 100 food entrepreneurs were surveyed. The obtained results of the survey provide the research team with a starting point for further interdisciplinary research (legal sciences, chemical sciences, medical sciences) in the "healthy food" problem area.The project is funded by the state budget under the program of the Ministry of Education and Science called „Nauka dla Społeczeństwa”[„Science for Society”], project number NdS/551580/2022/2022.Jakub Ali Farhan - Uniwersytet w BiałymstokuPiotr Kaczyński - Instytut Ochrony Roślin - Państwowy Instytut BadawczyMaciej Perkowski - Uniwersytet w Białymstok

    Multicenter registry of Impella-assisted high-risk percutaneous coronary interventions and cardiogenic shock in Poland (IMPELLA-PL)

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    Background: Impella is a percutaneous mechanical circulatory support device for treatment of cardiogenic shock (CS) and high-risk percutaneous coronary interventions (HR-PCIs). IMPELLA-PL is a national retrospective registry of Impella-treated CS and HR-PCI patients in 20 Polish interventional cardiological centers, conducted from January 2014 until December 2021.Aims: We aimed to determine the efficacy and safety of Impella using real-world data from IMPELLA-PL and compare these with other registries.Methods: IMPELLA-PL data were analyzed to determine primary endpoints: in-hospital mortality and rates of mortality and major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events (MACCE) at 12 months post-discharge.Results: Of 308 patients, 18% had CS and 82% underwent HR-PCI. In-hospital mortality rates were 76.4% and 8.3% in the CS and HR-PCI groups, respectively. The 12-month mortality rates were 80.0% and 18.2%, and post-discharge MACCE rates were 9.1% and 22.5%, respectively. Any access site bleeding occurred in 30.9% of CS patients and 14.6% of HR-PCI patients, limb ischemia in 12.7% and 2.4%, and hemolysis in 10.9% and 1.6%, respectively.Conclusions: Impella is safe and effective during HR-PCIs, in accordance with previous registry analyses. The risk profile and mortality in CS patients were higher than in other registries, and the potential benefits of Impella in CS require investigation

    More Unity than Diversity - The European Parliament after the elections. CEPS Commentary, 24 June 2009

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    In one sense, the European elections of June 2009 delivered an unexpected result. In a situation where there were simultaneous elections in all EU member states, and national campaigns were run by national actors, the message sent out by the peoples of Europe is that they trust the conservative politicians to lead the way out of the crisis, regardless of whether they already hold offices nationally. In this new Commentary, CEPS Researcher Piotr Kaczyński considers the constellation in the new European Parliament and its implications for the balance of power within the political groupings. The author also suggests that on the 7th June we may have witnessed the emergence of a European ‘political public’ – when people in their national contexts, asked by national politicians, give a pan-European answer

    Poland and Slovakia: Drawing the same lesson from two different events? CEPS Commentary, 19 October 2011

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    In this Commentary, Piotr Maciej Kaczyński looks at seemingly different recent political developments in Poland and Slovakia, but draws a common lesson: any new party entering the political scene needs some time to consolidate internally before it enters the government. Both the Slovak and the Czech governments have suffered recent instability due to their political backing by newly emerging actors. He warns that Poland should not make the same mistake

    The European Commission 2004-09: A politically weakened institution? Views from the National Capitals. EPIN Working Paper No. 23, 4 May 2009

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    The Barroso Commission is coming to an end. At this stage it is impossible to foresee when the end will be or if the new (old) Commission President will be (re)elected in July 2009 by the new European Parliament. Nevertheless, based on contributions of national experts in 25 EU member states, a picture emerges of a European Commission that has become politically weakened vis-à-vis the other institutions and in the Union as a whole. At the same time the Commission’s greatest success is the adoption of the Climate and Energy Package, which appears to be widely appreciated across the EU

    Duel between the EU and Argentina: Weapons in the EU Arsenal. CEPS Commentary, 13 September 2012

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    Relations between the European Union and Argentina are under severe strain. For years, the Argentinean government has been involved in a diplomatic dispute with the United Kingdom over the status of the Falkland Islands (Las Islas Malvinas to the Argentines). It recently decided to take advantage of Spain’s current economic weakness to attack a major Spanish investment in the country. On April 16th, the Argentinean government expropriated 51% of Repsol’s shares in YPF, a former state-owned oil company, which had been privatised in the early 1990s. This action provoked a public outcry in Madrid and beyond, especially in the European Commission. In this Commentary, we explore its longer-term impact on relations between the EU and Argentina